
About the ONLYOFFICE and SuiteCRM integration

SuiteCRM is a customer relationship management system. ONLYOFFICE offers an official module to integrate ONLYOFFICE Docs with SuiteCRM and edit office documents in your SuiteCRM space. You can get the ONLYOFFICE integration module from the GitHub page. The module is distributed under the AGPL-3 License.

Main features
  • Editing and viewing text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
  • Co-editing documents in real-time: two co-editing modes (Fast and Strict), the Track Changes mode, comments, and the built-in chat.
  • Creating and editing form templates.
    To learn more about forms, please read the corresponding articles for creating and filling out forms.
  • JWT support to secure your traffic so that no one can have access to your documents with the exception of the users with proper rights.
Supported formats
  • For viewing and editing: DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, DOCXF, OFORM.
  • For viewing only: PDF, ODT, ODS, ODP, DOC, XLS, PPT, PPS, EPUB, RTF, HTML, HTM, TXT, CSV.

Connecting ONLYOFFICE Docs to SuiteCRM

  • ONLYOFFICE Document Server v7.1 (server) or later

    You need an instance of ONLYOFFICE Docs that is resolvable and connectable both from SuiteCRM and any end clients. It must be able to POST to SuiteCRM directly.

    Please refer to the official documentation page to learn more about installing ONLYOFFICE Docs.
  • ONLYOFFICE connector v1.0.0 and later for SuiteCRM
Installing the ONLYOFFICE integration module for SuiteCRM

To install the ONLYOFFICE application:

  1. Get the latest compiled package files of the ONLYOFFICE integration plugin from the GitHub page.
  2. Launch SuiteCRM and switch to Admin > Admin Tools > Module Loader.
  3. Upload the ONLYOFFICE plugin archive.
  4. Install the uploaded module by pressing the Install button.
  5. Switch to Admin > Admin Tools > Repair.
  6. Run Quick Repair and Rebuild.
How it works

The user-document interaction is done both at the client side and at the server side.

Below is an explanation of the key terms used throughout this documentation.

The client side includes:

  • Document manager - the list of the documents displayed in the user browser where the user can select the necessary document and perform some actions with it (depending on the provided rights, the user can open the document to view it or edit, share the document with other users).
  • Document editor - the document viewing and editing interface with all the most known document editing features available, used as a medium between the user and the document editing service.

The server side includes:

  • Document storage service - the server service which stores all the documents available to the users with the appropriate access rights. It provides the document IDs and links to these documents to the document manager which the user sees in the browser.
  • Document editing service - the server service which allows to perform the document viewing and editing (in case the user has the appropriate rights to do that). The document editor interface is used to access all the document editing service features.
  • Document command service - the server service which allows to perform additional commands with document editing service.
  • Document conversion service - the server service which allows to convert the document file into the appropriate Office Open XML format (docx for text documents, xlsx for spreadsheets and pptx for presentations) for their editing or downloading.
  • Document builder service - the server service which allows to build a document easily without the need to actually run a document processing editor.

Please note, that ONLYOFFICE Document Server includes the document editor, document editing service, document command service, document conversion service and document builder service. The document manager and document storage service are either included to Community Server or must be implemented by the software integrators which use ONLYOFFICE Document Server on their own server.

Configuring JWT for the ONLYOFFICE and SuiteCRM integration

JWT or JSON Web Token is a string sent from client to server within the HTTP request to validate the authenticity of the client. JWT is saved on the client-side only so the transmission between parties is protected and digitally signed.

The token is generated using the JWT (JSON Web Tokens) standard. The tokens are signed by the server's key, so the client is able to verify that the token is legitimate.

ONLYOFFICE Docs validates the token. The data from the payload is considered valid and is used instead of the corresponding data from the main parameters. If the token is invalid, the command is not executed. To learn more, please read the API Security guide.

In ONLYOFFICE Docs, JWT is enabled by default starting from version 7.2.

Follow these steps to configure it manually if needed:

  1. Go to Admin > ONLYOFFICE > ONLYOFFICE Settings.
  2. Enter the values in the following fields:
    • Document Editing Service Address: Specify the URL address where ONLYOFFICE Docs is installed (e.g., https://documentserver).
    • Secret key (leave blank to disable): The secret key is generated automatically to restrict the access to ONLYOFFICE Docs. If you want to specify your own secret key in this field, also specify the same secret key in the ONLYOFFICE Docs config file to enable the validation.
    • Authorization header (leave blank to use default header): Standard JWT header used in ONLYOFFICE is Authorization. In case this header is in conflict with your setup, you can change the header to the custom one.

Start using ONLYOFFICE Docs within SuiteCRM

To edit and collaborate on office files:

  • Go to the Documents module.
  • Open the Detail View page by clicking on the file name.
  • On the Detail View page, click on Open in ONLYOFFICE in the drop-down ACTIONS menu - the file will open in the same tab.

Host ONLYOFFICE Docs on your own server or use it in the cloud

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