Set font type, size, and color

To apply the formatting to all text in a cell or cell range,

  1. select a cell, a range of cells or the whole worksheet,
  2. open the Cell settings panel by
    • tapping the Edit object icon at the top toolbar, or
    • tapping the Cell option in the pop-up menu,
  3. use the options at the Cell settings panel:

Cell settings

  • Tap the font name displayed on the left (e.g., Arial) and select a different font from the list of the available ones.
  • Tap the font size displayed on the right (e.g., 11 pt) and use the Minus icon or Plus icon icons to decrease or increase the current value.
  • To change the font typeface, select one of the following options:
    • BoldBold - tap this icon to make the font bold giving it more weight.
    • ItalicItalic - tap this icon to make the font italicized giving it some right side tilt.
    • UnderlineUnderline - tap this icon to make the text underlined with the line going under the letters.
  • Text Color icon Text Color - is used to change the color of the characters in the text. Tap this option to open the the color palettes panel (swipe up to see more colors). Select the necessary color on the Theme Colors or Standard Colors palette or create your own Custom Color.

    To add a new Custom Color, follow these steps:

    1. go to the Add Custom Color menu,

      Custom color

    2. using the color palette, choose the necessary color and select its hue level,
    3. tap the Enabled button to apply the color to the selected text.

      The added color will also be placed in the Custom Colors section, where the recently used custom colors are located.

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